Hi, I’m Ainsley!

Welcome to My Portfolio

I graduated from The University of Iowa in May 2024, earning degrees in Business Analytics & Information Systems and Sport and Recreation Management.

Additionally, I earned an Event Management Certificate to guide my ultimate goal of working in the motorsport industry. My passion for motorsports stems from my continuing interest in cars and racing. I am eager to enhance my skills and gain additional experience in any way that presents itself.

I bring a unique blend of analytical skills and a passion for sports. I am eager to contribute my data-driven insights to enhance organizational efficiency in the sports industry, whether through event management, marketing, or strategic decision-making.

I am ambitious, ready to learn, and want to take advantage of any experience that presents itself. Currently, I am working full-time as a Premium & Event Services Coordinator at the University of Iowa's Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.

Ainsley Shird's Headshot